Name: Sidda Sakunthala
Designation: Assistant Professor (Ad-hoc)
Experience: 12 years
Specialization: Power and Industrial Drives (EEE)
Areas of Interest: Electrical Circuits, power systems, power electronics Power electronics and drives and Electrical vehicles
Address: D.No:19-4-386/13, S.T.V.Nagar, Tirupati-517501 Chittoor [Dist], Andhra Pradesh
Mobile-No: +91 8142350434(O)
+91 9885096141(P)
Career Objective: Be affiliated with a prestigious institution. Improve the standard of the profession and empowering them with necessary skills, qualities, knowledge, attitude, and value of time. To use my skill and experience and thereby to promote a positive atmosphere and higher quality education among students. Seeking a responsible position to use my abilities and experience effectively and efficiently for students and have acquisition for learning and developing new skills. Assess, review and evaluate student activities and progress. Assist and support senior professors in their day-to-day tasks and functions.
- Power Electronics, Electrical Networks, Power Systems.
- Practiced Office Package: Microsoft Office Package
- Practiced Programming Language: C, C++, Core Java,
- Develop and implement innovative instructional methods. Develop professional logistics to improvise student performance. Guide, lead and mentor students in research projects. Evaluate, monitor and mentor student academic progress. Create, innovate and implement career-enhancement programs and activities. Supervise and support teaching assistants. Participate in departmental and college activities. Serve and support functional activities of departmental committees. External in Department of Electrical Engineering at Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Ananthapuramu under the guidance of Dr.R. Kiranmayi, Professor& Director, JNTUA CEA, Ananthapuramu since May 2016.
Educational Qualifications:
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) (Pursuing) • Joined 2015 – 16 • JNTUA:
- Pursuing Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) –
Master of Technology • 2011 • JNTUA:
- Achieved Post Graduate Degree from the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University at Ananthapur in the year of 2011 at M. Tech (EEE) (Power & Industrial Drives) in the first division with Distinction.
Bachelor of Technology • 2007 • JNTUH:
- Achieved Bachelor Degree from the Kuppam Engineering College at Kuppam in the year of 2007 at B. Tech (EEE) in the first division.
Intermediate • 2003 • Board of Intermediate Education •Andhra Pradesh:
- Completed Intermediate (10+2) from the Board of Intermediate Education in the year of 2003 in the first division.
SSC (10Th) • 2001 • Board of Secondary Education •Andhra Pradesh:
- Completed SSC (10th) from the Board of Secondary Education in the year of 2001 in the first division.
- Basic Electrical Circuits –IIT Madras
- Psychology of learning – ICAR-National Academy of Agricultural Research Management
- Digital Assessment and Evaluation Methodologies- ICAR-National Academy of Agricultural Research Management
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), SM No:93495664
- Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE), LM No: LM115696
- Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA), LM No: L31968
- International Association of Engineers (IAENG). LM No: 170531
- Electrical Machines-I (2 times)
- Electrical Machines-lll (1 time)
- Basics of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (8 times)
- Electrical Circuits (2 times)
- Electrical Power Generating Systems (5 times)
- Switching Theory and Logic Design (3 time)
- Power System Operation and Control (5 times)
- Electrical Technology (1 time)
- Special Machines (1 time)
- Electrical Distribution Systems (4 time)
- Energy Resource and Technology
- Renewable Energy systems
- Digital electronics and logic design
- Electric Vehicle technology
- Electric vehicles
- Power semiconductor drives
- DC drives
International/National Journals • 2015-2018:
- S. Sakunthala “Modelling and Implementation of an Improved DSVM Scheme for PMSM DTC” International Journal of Recent Research in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IJRREEE)” Vol. 2, Issue 3, and pp: (31-41), July 2015 – Sep 2015. ISSN 2349- 7815
- S. Sakunthala “Study on Genetic Algorithm Concepts, Search and Optimization Techniques in Electrical Systems” I-manager’s Journal on Electrical Engineering, Vol. 10, Issue 3, and pp: (43-48), Jan 2017 – Mar 2017. ISSN Print: 0973-8835ISSN Online: 2230-7176 UGC Approved Journal NO:6353
- S. Sakunthala, Dr. R. Kiranmayi, Dr. P. Nagaraju Mandadi “A Simulation Platform for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drives: MATLAB/Simulink Simulation” I-manager’s Journal on Electrical Engineering, Vol. 11, Issue 1, and pp: (34-40), July 2017 – Sep 2017. ISSN Print: 0973-8835ISSN Online: 2230-7176 UGC Approved Journal NO:6353
- S. Sakunthala, Dr. R. Kiranmayi, Dr. P. Nagaraju Mandadi “Soft Computing Techniques and Applications in Electrical Drives Fuzzy logic, and Genetic Algorithm” Helix, Vol. 8.2 pp: (3285-3289), 28th February 2018. Chennai, India & Universiti Teknologi Mara, Shah Alam, Malaysia, TN, India. Part Number: CFP18O32-ART ISBN: 978-1-5386-4310-5
International/National Conferences • 2015-2018
- S. Sakunthala “National conference on advances in power and energy systems (NCAPES)”,” Paper Entitled: Study on Genetic Algorithm Concepts, Search and Optimization Techniques in Electrical Systems” 16th-18th March 2017 held at Madanapalle Institute of Technology & Science, AP, India. Supported by DST-SERB, New Delhi. ISSN Print: 0973-8835ISSN Online: 2230-7176 UGC Approved Journal NO:6353
- S. Sakunthala, Dr. R. Kiranmayi, Dr. P. Nagaraju Mandadi “IEEE Conference “, “Paper Entitled: A Study on Industrial Motor Drives Comparison and Applications of PMSM and BLDC Motor Drives “, “International Conference on Energy, Communication, Data Analytics and Soft Computing (ICECDS 2017)” 1st-2ed August 2017 held at SKR Engineering College, Chennai, TN, India. ISBN: CFP17M55-PRT/978-1-5386-1886-8 Issue -2
- S. Sakunthala, Dr.R. Kiranmayi, Dr.P. Nagaraju Mandadi “IEEE Conference “, “Paper Entitled: A Review on Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Electrical Drives: Neural Networks, Fuzzy logic, and Genetic Algorithm “,” International Conference on Smart Technologies for Smart Nation(SmartTechCon2017)” 17th-19th August 2017 held at REVA University, Bengaluru, KA, India. ISBN: CFP17M14-ART-PRT/ 978-1-5386-0568-4
- S. Sakunthala, Dr. R. Kiranmayi, Dr. P. Nagaraju Mandadi “IEEE Conference “, “Paper Entitled: A Study on Fuzzy Controller and Neuro-Fuzzy Controller for Speed Control of PMSM Motor “,” International Conference on Power, Control, Signals and Instrumentation Engineering (ICPCSI-2017)” is a” 21st-22ed September 2017 held at Saveetha Engineering College, Chennai, TN, India. ISBN: CFP17M84-PRT:978-1-5386-0813-5 Issue -1
- S. Sakunthala, Dr. R. Kiranmayi, Dr. P. Nagaraju Mandadi “Springer Conference “, “Paper Entitled: Soft Computing Techniques and Applications in Electrical Drives Fuzzy logic, and Genetic Algorithm “,”” Second International Conference on “Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence” (ICCSAI-2018)” is a” 4th-5th January 2018 held at Sree Vidyanikethan Engineering College, Tirupati, AP, India.
- S. Sakunthala, Dr. R. Kiranmayi, Dr. P. Nagaraju Mandadi “IEEE Conference “, “Paper Entitled: A Review on Speed Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drive using Different Control Techniques “,” International Conference On POWER, ENERGY, CONTROL AND TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS (Icpects2018)” 22ed-23rd February 2018 held at Sri Sai Ram Engineering College, Chennai, TN, India
- S. Sakunthala, Dr. R. Kiranmayi, Dr. P. Nagaraju Mandadi “IEEE Conference “, “Paper Entitled: Investigation of PI and Fuzzy Controllers for Speed Control of PMSM Motor Drive “, “International Conference on Recent Trends in Electrical, Control and Communication (RTECC-2018)” 20th-22nd March 2018 held at Jointly Organized by B.S.A Crescent Institute of Science & Technology.
- Electrical Circuits Laboratory (8 times)
- Basics of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Laboratory (2 times)
- DC Machines and transformers Laboratory (5 times)
- Application of soft computing techniques in Electrical Engineering (1 time)
- P-Spice laboratory (5 times)
- Electrical Measurements Laboratory (4 times)
Workshops Attended • 2017-2018
- S. Sakunthala “Paper and Article Writing with LaTeX” 17th-19th March 2017 held at Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Anantapur College of Engineering (JNTUACEP), Pulivendula, AP, India.
- S. Sakunthala “Hands-on MATLAB® Training Program on Soft Computing: Artificial Neural Network, Fuzzy Logic & Genetic Algorithm” 14th-15th October 2017 held at Sree Vidyanikethan College of Engineering (SVCE), Tirupati, AP, India.
- S. Sakunthala “Recent Trends in Big Data & Cloud Computing” 27th-28th October 2017 held at Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Anantapur College of Engineering (JNTUACEK), Kalikiri, AP, India.
Area of Research:
- Modeling and Control of Permanent Magnet Motor Drive using MATLAB/Simulink, Power Electronics, Electrical Machines, & Modelling and Analysis of AC Drives
- Title of Ph.D. Undergoing: “Design and simulation of an improved DSVM scheme for PMSM DTC by using fuzzy logic controllers and Genetic Algorithm”
- Title of M. Tech Dissertation: “Modeling and Simulation of an Improved DSVM scheme for PMSM DTC”
- Title of B. Tech Dissertation: “3 Phase Current Meter And Controller with Earth Fault Detection”
Guidance of Thesis:
Under Graduate Level
- (B. Tech): (Batches: 2, each batch: 5members)-2017
- “Dynamic Modeling of Induction motor drive using V/F control method” April 2017 submitted in Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Anantapur College of Engineering (JNTUACEK), Kalikiri, AP, India.
- “Performance of Permanent Magnet synchronous motor and Brushless DC Motor Drives” April 2017 submitted in Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Anantapur College of Engineering (JNTUACEK), Kalikiri, AP, India.
Under Graduate Level
- (B. Tech): (Batches: 2, each batch: 5members)-2018
- “Reduced switch multi-level inverter using multi carrier PWM technique” May 2018 submitted in Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Anantapur College of Engineering (JNTUACEK), Kalikiri, AP, India.
- “Performance and analysis of PMSM using vector control strategy” May 2018 submitted in Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Anantapur College of Engineering (JNTUACEK), Kalikiri, AP, India.
- Research Gate –
- LinkedIn –
- ResearcherID –
- Publons –
- Dr. M. Vijay Kumar M. Tech, Ph.D, Professor& Director of Admissions, Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Anantapur, AP, India.
- Dr. R. Kiranmayi M. Tech, Ph.D. Professor& Head, Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Anantapur, AP, India.
- Dr. P. Nagaraju Mandadi M. Tech, Ph.D. Professor, Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Sreenivasa Institute of Technology and Management Studies (SITAMS), Chittoor, AP, India.
Personal details:
- Date of Birth: 16-1-1986
- Husband’s name: E.M. KIRAN KUMAR
- Sex: Female
- Marital Status: Married
- Languages Known: English, Telugu.
- Nationality: Indian
- Permanent Address: D.No:19-4-386/13, S.T.V.Nagar, Tirupati-517501 Chittoor [Dist], Andhra Pradesh