Name: Mrs. M Mehetaj
Designation: Assistant Professor (Ad-hoc)
Experience: 7 Years 5 Months
Specialization: Electrical Power Systems
Areas of Interest: Electrical Power Transmission System, Power Quality, Power System Protection
Address: # 2-211, Seeboi (V), Golla (P), Kalyanadurgam (M), Anantapur (D) Andhra Pradesh. – 515761
Mobile-No: +91 8309679494
Career Objective: To secure a challenging position in my field of study where I can effectively contribute my skill towards teaching and research.
Educational Qualifications:
M.Tech in Electrical Power Systems (2013- Jan 2016) with 85.07 %
- JNTUA College of Engineering, Anantapuramu, A.P.
B. Tech in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2009-13) – 70.98 %
- Sri Krishnadevaraya Engineering College, Gooty, Anantapuramu, A.P.
Intermediate (2007-09) – 81.8%
- Board of Intermediate Education, Hyderabad
- Sri Chaitanya Jr. College, Anantapuramu
S.S.C (2006-07) – 72.8%.
- Secondary School Education, Hyderabad
- L.R.G. High School, Anantapuramu
Academic Projects:
M. Tech
- Title: Reliability Assessment of Distribution System with Renewable Distributed Generation
- Industry: Power Research and Development Consultant, Bangalore
- Project Area: Distribution Reliability
B. Tech
- Title: RF Based Electrical Appliances by Using Triacs
- Industry : Arrow Solutions, Hyderabad.
Research Experience:
- Worked as Research Project Student at PRDC, Bangalore during August 2014-Feb 2016
Teaching Experience:
- Worked as Assistant Professor (Adhoc) in JNTUA College of Engineering, Kalikiri in Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering from 30th June 2016 to till date.
Administrative Experience:
- Worked as girl’s hostel Deputy Warden in JNTUA College of Engineering, Kalikiri.
- Worked as Anti Ragging committee member.
- Student Attendance Coordinator (Jnanabhoomi)
Subjects Taught:
- Electrical Power Transmission System
- Electrical Power Generation System
- Power Quality
- Power System Protection
- Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Paper Publications:
- Google citations h-index: 1
- Published a Paper in IEEE International conference paper titled “Reliability Assessment of Distribution System with Renewable Distributed Generation”, in PESTSE 2016, January 2016, Amrita University, Bangalore
- Published a Paper in International conference paper titled “NMV-GATE: Non Majority GATE in QCA”, in ICECIT 2018, 20th – 22nd December 2018, SRIT, Ananthapuramu.
Conferences, workshops, FDPs and Paper Presentations Attended:
- Participated in One Day Workshop on “Awareness on Career Growth Prospects for Reliability Engineering Professionals with Industry Collaborations”, organised under TEQUIP-III, on 21st June, 2019 at Prof. S. Tiruvengalam Memorial Seminar Hall, Dept. of EEE, JNTUACEA, Ananthapuramu.
- Presented a Paper in International conference paper titled “NMV-GATE: Non Majority GATE in QCA”, in ICECIT 2018, 20th – 22nd December 2018, SRIT, Ananthapuramu.
- Participated in One Day Workshop on “Awareness on IEEE/IET Electronic Digital Library Sources”, organised under TEQUIP-III, on 30th November, 2018 at Prof. S. Tiruvengalam Memorial Seminar Hall, Dept. of EEE, JNTUACEA, Ananthapuramu.
- Participated in a IEEE Biennial International Conference on “Power and Energy Systems: Towards Sustainable Energy” (PESTSE-2016), Organised by EEE department.
- Participated in “Awareness on Power Systems Simulation Analysis using Mi Power Software”, organized by Power Research and Development Consultants (P) Limited (PRDC), held on 22.09.2016 at Prof. S. Tiruvengalam Memorial Seminar Hall, EEE Department, JNTUA College of Engineering, Anantapur.
- Participated in One Day Workshop on “Solar Power Technologies”, on 13th April, 2016 at Prof. S. Tiruvengalam Memorial Seminar Hall, EEE Department, JNTUA College of Engineering, Anantapur.
- Participated in One Day Workshop on “Wind Energy Conversion Systems”, on 20th April, 2016 at Prof. S. Tiruvengalam Memorial Seminar Hall, EEE Department, JNTUA College of Engineering, Anantapur.
- Participated in A Two Day National Level Technical Symposium, titled “Wind Power Plant and Turbine”, during 13th & 14th march 2012, held at Chiranjeevi Reddy Institute of Engineering & Technology, Bellary Road, Anantapur.
- Participated in a Three Days Faculty Development Programme on “Embedded Systems Design using TIVA” in JNTUACE, Kalikiri during 31st May to 2nd June 2018.
Skill Set:
- Office Applications: MS Office, Adobe Photoshop cs6.
- Languages: C, Visual C++
- Operating Systems: Windows Family
- Technical Software’s: MATLAB, Mi-Power
Academic, Co and Extra Curricular Achievements:
- 100% Pass Percentage in EPGS during ACY 2016-17
- Throw Ball Winners in Sports Competition of JNTUACE, Kalikiri Annual Day
- Shuttle Singles Runner in Sports Competition of JNTUACE, Kalikiri Annual Day
- 1st prize in Running (100m) race in Sports Competition of JNTUACE, Kalikiri Annual Day
- Appreciation in Mi-Power Software
- Basketball winners in National level held at the grounds of M.G.M. High School, Hindupur, Anantapur District from 07-01-2006 to 10-01-2006.
- Stood as winners in Shuttle at college level
- Stood as runners in throw ball during college sports day
Professional Membership:
- Member in Internet Society
- Positive thinking
- Good communication skills
- Good Team player
- Self-motivated
- Quick learner
- •Ability to build team environment
- Ability to work under pressure
- Reading books
- Playing games
Personal Details:
- Father’s Name : M Siraj Ahamed
- Mother’s Name : M Fakrunni
- Date of Birth : 16-07-1992
- Gender : Female
- Nationality : Indian
- Religion : Muslim
- Languages Known : English, Telugu, Hindi, Urdu and Kannada.