Designation: Professor and Head
Department: Department of Civil Engg.
Address: JNTUA College of Engineering Kalikiri
Mobile-No: +91 9110750601
Educational Qualifications:
S.No | Degree | BOARD/UNIVERSITY | YEAR OF PASSING | Percentage |
1 | B TECH (Civil Engg) | S.V.University, Tirupati, INDIA | 1998 | 68% |
2 | M.Tech (Structural Engineering) | S.V.University, Tirupati, INDIA | 2004 | 77% |
3 | Ph.D. | S.V.University, Tirupati, INDIA | 2012 |
S.No | Designation | College | Duration | No.of years |
1 | Professor and Head of Civil Engineering Department | JNTUA College of Engineering Kalikiri,Andhra Pradesh | 8.1.2019 to TILL DATE | |
2 | Associate Professor | VIT University, Vellore, INDIA | June 2012 to 7.1.19 | 7 years |
3 | Assistant Professor(Sr) | VIT University, Vellore, INDIA | March 2010 to June 2012 | 2 years |
4 | Assistant Professor | Srikalahasteeswara Institute ofTechnology(SKIT), Srikalahasti, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA | 30 May 2006 –March 2010 | 4 years |
5 | Teaching Assistant | S.V.University, Tirupati,Andhra Pradesh | October 2000 to October 2001 March 2003 to 29.5.2006 |
4 years |
RESEARCH GUIDANCE: 4 Ph.D awarded and 1 MS (By Research) awarded.
- M.Tech Guidance: 43 projects completed;
- SCOPUS ID: 56159424000
- ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4298-4517
- Researcher Id: HHC-1283-2022
- Google Scholar Id: Moxk6jwAAAAJ
- Head of the Department, Department of Civil Engg., JNTUA College of Engineering Kalikiri, Andhra Pradesh since 6.2.2019
- Head I/C of the Department, Department of Food Technology., JNTUA College of Engineering, Kalikiri, Andhra Pradesh during 13.3.2019 to February 2023
Major achievements:
- Executed Project of Rs 6.35 crores sanctioned by Ministry of Food Processing Industries, New Delhi ( I Phase of Installment completed)
- Worked for the inception/introduction of B.Arch course at VIT , Vellore during 2016 (Right from initial stage of applying till the sanction of B.Arch course by Council of Architecture) and developed Curriculum for B.Arch during its inception at VIT Vellore.
- Project Engineer (Civil), Since 2019
- Received Research Award during 2012 to 2018 at VIT for notable research
- Received MSc. Research grant titled “Study on behaviour of reinforced concrete beam-column joints with FRP wrapping” form Institution of Structural Engineers, London
- Member in various committees like College Academic Committee, ICC, IQAC, Anti ragging, Grievance redressal, Disciplinary committee, Convener/Organizing committee member for various events, Member in Purchase Committee at JNTUA College of Engineering Kalikiri
- Member in conducting open seminars for Ph.D. students
- Convener/Member of Fact Finding committee for affiliated and autonomous colleges
- Evaluated Ph.D thesis of various institutes like VIT, S.V.University, Acharya Nagarjuna University
- Ccoordinator for development of course curriculum for M.Tech (Structural Engineering) as well as B.Tech (Structural related subjects)
- Coordinator/Member for NAAC, NBA, ABET
- Worked as Lab-in-Charge, Civil Engineering Computing Centre, Structural Engineering;
- Timetable Coordinator,
- Member, Board od studies for various Universities and autonomous colleges
- Served as Board of Studies member for Civil Engineering during 2016-2018 and for B.Arch during 2017-2018 at VIT.
- Served as Internal academic audit committee member at VIT during 2017-2018.
- Served as enquiry committee member relating to various in disciplinary activities of the students during 2015-2018.
- Member in Ph.D student selection committee at VIT, Vellore from 2012 to 2018
- Coordinator for M.Tech placement- Placement coordinator at VIT Vellore (2016-2017)
- Panel Member for Ph.D, M.Tech, B.Tech Reviews at VIT, Vellore from 2012 to 2018
- Question paper Moderation Committee member at VIT, Vellore from 2012 to 2018
- Civil Engineering Faculty Interview Panel at VIT, Vellore from 2012 to 2018
- Developed Recorded video Lecturing in STAAD PRO for Civil Engineering students
- Conducted course on Research Methodology for Ph.D scholars through Lecture capturing system
- Adopted Effective student mentoring system
S.No | Courses | Teaching methodology applied | Outcome |
1 | Finite element analysis (2016-2017) | Nonstop two-day event to assess their knowledge in the subject Use of Smart board, digital evaluation | Application oriented learning/Applied learning |
2 | Advanced Structural analysis | Students were asked to prepare the model and test the prepared model Video- lecturing Use of Smart board, digital evaluation | Application oriented learning |
3 | Energy efficient buildings | Arrangement of Industrial visits and report based on the visit is to be submitted | Field exposure/practical learning |
Year 2019:
- Tenepalli, J.S., Neeraja, D (2019) “Feasibility of producing class f fly ash geopolymer mortar with alkaline water containing sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) ”. Lecture notes in Civil Engineering, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-13-3317-0_19 In book: Sustainable Construction and Building Materials, pp.213-222. (Springer)
- Chaitanya C.V.K,Priya Prasad. Neeraja, D , Ravi Teja (2019) “Effect of LECA on mechanical properties of self- curing concrete ”. Materials Today :proceedings, Science Direct, (Scopus indexed)
Year 2018:
- Ramesh Babu, D. Neeraja, (2018) “Effect of natural admixture on durability properties of conventional and class C fly ash blended concrete”, Indian Concrete Journal, Vol.92, No. 4, pp 70-79(Scopus indexed)
- Shelar, A., Neeraja, D., Mahindrakar, A. B (2018), “Experimental investigation of crushed sand in strength supporting self- actualization of concrete”, International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, Volume 9, Issue 9, September 2018, pp. 1504–1513. (Scopus indexed)
- Shelar, A., Neeraja, D., Mahindrakar, A.B(2018), “Experimental investigation of strength of concrete by using concrete and concrete related product plants waste water use in concrete” International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, Volume 9, Issue 9, September 2018, pp. 1302–1308. (Scopus indexed)
- Shelar, A., Neeraja, D., Mahindrakar, A. B (2018), “Experimental study of superplasticizer on fresh and hardened properties of concrete using crushed sand”, International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, Volume 9, Issue 8, August 2018, pp. 1407-1413. (Scopus indexed)
- Shelar, A., Neeraja, D., Mahindrakar, A.B (2018), “Experiential investigation of nitric acid concentration on the compressive strength of ready mix concrete plant waste concrete aggregate (R.M.C.A.C)”, International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, Volume 9, Issue 8, August 2018, pp. 1353–1364. (Scopus indexed)
- Sai, T.J., Neeraja, D (2018), “Optimal processing parameters of class f-fly ash geopolymer mortar produced with slightly acidic water by taguchi method”, Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, Vol. 10(Special 12) pp.1495-1508. (Scopus indexed)
- Satish Reddy, D. Neeraja, (2018) “Aluminum Residue Waste For Possible Utilisation As A Material – A Review”, Sadhana, Vol.43, no.,8. (Scopus indexed)
- Jaisai , D. Neeraja, (2018) “Properties Of Class F Fly Ash Based Geopolymer Mortar Produced With Alkaline Water”, Journal of Building Engineering,, Vol.19, pp 42-48.
- Prathyusha Yadali, R Selvaraj and D Neeraja D. Neeraja, (2018) “Alternate binders for construction, repair and rehabilitation”, International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, Vol. 9, no. 4, pp 1220-1228(Scopus indexed)
- Prathyusha Yadali, R Selvaraj and D Neeraja D. Neeraja, (2018) “Critical Evaluation Tests for Assessing the Quality of Repair Materials for Structural and Non-Structural Applications”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 118, no. 18, pp 3851-3862(Scopus indexed)
- Ramesh Babu, D. Neeraja, (2016) “Mechanical Properties of Class F Fly Ash Blended Concrete Incorporation with Natural Admixture”, International journal of ChemTech research, Vol.04, No.01, pp 65-80, (Scopus indexed)
- Shelar, A., Neeraja, D., Mahindrakar, A.B (2018), “Properties of Concrete made with Recycled Aggregate from Partially Hydrated Old Concrete”, International Journal of research in Engineering, Science and Technology, Volume 3, Issue 8, August 2018, pp. 9-17.
- Shelar, A., Neeraja, D., Mahindrakar, A.B (2018), “Experimentation Of Rapid Chloride Permeability Test On Ready Mix Concrete Plant Waste Aggregate Concrete. (R.M.C.A.C”, International Journal of Engineering Science Invention Research & Development; Vol. IV, Issue XII,, pp. 395-401
- Shelar, Ajay., Neeraja, D., Mahindrakar, A.B (2018), “Effect Of Admixture In The Partial Replacement Of Natural Sand By Crushed Sand In Concrete”, International Journal of Engineering Science Invention Research & Development; Vol. IV, Issue XII,, pp. 388-394
Year 2017:
- Satish Reddy, D. Neeraja, (2017) “Evaluation of specific fracture energy and the corresponding tension softening relation for the concrete made up of secondary aluminum slag”, Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 44, no. 5, pp 1-5(Scopus indexed)
- Ramesh Babu, D. Neeraja, (2017) “A experimental study of natural admixture effect on conventional concrete and high volume class F flyash blended concrete”, Case Studies in Construction Materials, Vol.6, pp 43-62(Scopus indexed)
- Tejas Keshorao Dange, D. Neeraja, (2017) “Parametric Study of Portable RESS (Rapid Erection Sun Shelters) with NCEL”, International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, Vol.8 (4), pp 121-130(Scopus indexed)
- Sashidhar, D. Neeraja,, SambaMurthy Sudhindra (2017) “Application of Genetic Algorithm technique for optimizing design of reinforced concrete retaining wall”, International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, Vol.8 (5), pp 999-1007 (Scopus indexed)
- Swaroop G, D. Neeraja, (2017) “Prediction of Compressive Strength of Concrete using Artificial Neural Networks”, Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology.,Vol 10 pp 35-40. (Scopus indexed)
- Neeraja, Shaik Mohammed Arshad, Alisha K Nawaz Nadaf, Mani Kumar (2017) “Evaluation of workability and strength of green concrete using waste steel scrap”, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , Materials and Environmental Sciences, Volume 263 (Scopus indexed)
- Neeraja, Amir Iqbal Wani, Zainulabideen Kamili, Krishnakant Agarwal (2017) “Study on strength characteristics of concrete using M-sand and coconut fibres”, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , Materials and Environmental Sciences, Volume 263 (Scopus indexed)
- Neeraja, Thejesh Kamireddy, Potnuru Santosh Kumar, Vijay Simha Reddy (2017) “weight optimization of plane truss using genetic algorithm”, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Materials and Environmental Sciences, Volume 263 (Scopus indexed)
International Conferences
Year 2018:
- Shweta J, Senthil Kumar M,MahaSwetha R., and Neeraja,D. (2017) “Comparative study on the behaviour of building with irregularity and with and without base isolation using E-Tabs”, International Conference on Sciences, Engineering and Technology (SET), organized by VIT University, Vellore, TN, India.
- DSai Bhavith, Hemanth, Soumya., and Neeraja,D. (2017) “Analysis of muti-storey building considering wind effects”, International Conference on Sciences, Engineering and Technology (SET), organized by VIT University, Vellore, TN, India
Year 2017:
- Thejesh,K., S.Vijaya Simha Reddy, Santosh Kumar and Neeraja,D. (2017) “Weight optimization of steel truss using Genetic Algorithm”, International Conference on Sciences, Engineering and Technology (SET), organized by VIT University, Vellore, TN, India.
- Mani Kumar Reddy, Sai Prashanth, Malavika and Neeraja,D. (2017) “Finite Element Analysis of Dome”, International Conference on Sciences, Engineering and Technology (SET), organized by VIT University, Vellore, TN, India.
- Shaik Mohammed Arshad, Nadaf Alisha, Venkata Pramod Kumar and Neeraja,D. (2017) “Finite Element Analysis of Prestressed bridge girder using Ansys”, International Conference on Sciences, Engineering and Technology (SET), organized by VIT University, Vellore, TN, India.
- Thejesh,K., S.Vijaya Simha Reddy, Santosh Kumar and Neeraja,D. (2017) “Experimental study on strength properties of cement mortar using tannery waste”, International Conference on Sciences, Engineering and Technology (SET), organized by VIT University, Vellore, TN, India.
- Shaik Mohammed Arshad, Nadaf Alisha, Mani Kumar and Neeraja,D. (2017) “Evaluation of workability and strength of green concrete using waste steel scrap”, International Conference on Sciences, Engineering and Technology (SET), organized by VIT University, Vellore, TN, India.
- Attended faculty development program on ROBOTICS in JNTUA .
RESEARCH GUIDANCE: 4 Ph.D’s awarded and 1 MS (By Research) awarded.
M.Tech Guidance: 43 projects completed;
- Developed Recorded video Lecturing in STAAD PRO for Civil Engineering students
- Conducted course on Research Methodology for Ph.D scholars through Lecture capturing system
- Authored Text book on Structural Analysis II- Dr. Neeraja
- Name of the publisher: Nirali Ptrakashan (, I edition: July 2016
- Member in Indian Concrete Institute,
- Member in Institution of Engineers
Details | National (No.) | International (No.) | Details | National(No.) | International(No.) |
Journals | 6 | 65 | Conference | 9 | 58 |
Seminars | 5 | 65 | Workshops | 20 | 1 |
Text Books | 2 | Monographs |
Duration of the project | Sponsoring Organisation | Title of Project | Amount of Grant | PI, Co-PI or Co-Investigator |
1year(Completed) | Instituition of Structural Engineers,London As a part of MSc/M.Tech Research grant |
Study on Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Beam Column Joints with FRP Wrapping | £800 (Rs80,000/-INRapprox.) | Dr.D.NEERAJA-PI/Supervisor for the project |
2years(Completed) | VIT university | Strength characteristics of Sugarcane Baggase Ash | Rs 10,000,00 | Dr.D.Neeraja- Co PI (Group project with team of 4 members) |
2years(Completed) | VIT university | Study on efficiency of Geopolymer mortar using waste water | Rs3,00,000 | Dr.D.Neeraja- PI |